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When Is Enough Enough



If I had a dollar for every time I (figuratively) banged by head against the wall while learning blogging, I would be rich.

It’s no wonder bloggers get stressed out and aren’t always sure how to grow their blog.

In yesterday’s post we learned how addictive we become to spikes in traffic created by social networking sites.

But have you ever done any research on how many social networking resources there are?

I did, and I may have only touched the tip of the iceberg.

Today’s Lesson

Wikepedia has a huge list of social networking websites (approximately 125). They include sites such as Buzznet, Couch Surfing, Linkedin, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and many more.

Of the big shooters, Facebook reports:

* More than 70 million active users
* Facebook is the 6th most-trafficked website in the world (comScore)
* Facebook is the 2nd most-trafficked social media site in the world (comScore)

According to the data on Wikipedia’s site, MySpace claims 110,000,000 registered users, and Windows Live Spaces reports 120,000,000.

I’m not done yet.

Lets jump to another class of social networks.

This list is the result of a link Kaye (NBOTW) shared with me.

On Social Maker.com you can join up to 47 social bookmarking sites. These include Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Propeller and Spurl, just to name a few.

Whew!! That’s exhausting.

And there is more (+/- a duplicate or two), as neither list included MyBlogLog, Blog Catalog, or Squidoo.

Add to that, bloggers who strive to get their blogs listed in Technorati’s “top 100″ blogs.

So the question becomes, what will work best for YOU?

Do you do what others do, or do you venture out on your own, researching each social networking website to determine if you want to be a part of that specific community.

It’s a tough choice, but it’s a choice only YOU can make.

Today’s Assignment

How have you determined which social network works best for you?

Do you allot a specified amount of time for time spent on social networks?

Has it helped get your blog found?

Do you think it’s important to join multiple social networks, or is what you’ve done enough?

Photo Credit: ©aius’ photostream

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